Microsoft’s employees have already stopped using the Windows Phone for iPhone or Android. Co-founder of the Microsoft Corporation, Bill Gates is now also using Google’s Android smartphone. A few years ago, Gates was a Windows Phone users but he dumped his Lumia for an Android.
“I happen to use all Windows-based PCs. The phone that I have, recently I did switch to an Android phone with a lot of Microsoft software. But the competition in the software and IT space that Steve helped foster, it’s phenomenal. And Microsoft’s a big part of that.”, Gates confessed during an interview with Fox News yesterday.
This isn’t surprising at all as even Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella expressed his lack of interest in the company’s mobile platform and admitted that there was no need of Windows Phone operating system. As Microsoft has already given up on Windows Phone, Gates’ statement is not going to affect the mobile platform. Windows Phone fan’s last hope Joe Belfiore is also using Samsung Galaxy S8 Microsoft Edition and has admitted that Microsoft also wants to focus on Android and iOS.
Windows Phone was the company’s attempt to take on iOS and Android but it failed and Microsoft has dumped the mobile platform. Windows Phone’s collapse started well before the birth of Android. Microsoft is to be blamed for the blunders they have made resulting in the failure of Windows Phone.
Microsoft is, however, working on a new mobile device under the Surface brand with Andromeda OS. Despite Andromeda OS sounds good in theory, the future of Windows on Mobile is still not certain.