The release of Windows Phone Internals Tool makes it possible to unlock bootloader of Lumia handsets which allows the installation of custom ROMs. The tool is making Windows Phone enthusiasts more creative than ever. Just a couple of days ago, we reported about a developer who managed to install Windows RT on a Lumia 830 and Windows PE with Windows 10 ARM image.
Today, developer Ben uploaded a video showing off a Lumia 640 XL running Windows RT 8.1 operating system. And surprisingly the performance of Windows RT 8.1 on the Microsoft’s Windows phone is better than Windows 10 Mobile.
The animation and transition of Windows RT 8.1 on Lumia 640 XL is actually very smooth, while on the other hand, Windows 10 Mobile Start Screen takes a long time to load and certain apps do not open. Despite the project is highly experimental, all necessary features such as the internet connectivity, touch and even WiFi appears to be working fine.
Since Windows Phone Internals Tool gives full root access to the phones, you can expect many more interesting hacks in the future, for example Android apps support. The tool also opens possibilities of installing unsupported operating systems such as Windows 10 ARM32 on a Lumia Windows Phone.
Developer Heathcliff explained in a video that the team is working on bringing Project Astoria (Android apps) back to the latest Windows 10 Mobile Builds. It’s also worth noting that the developer Ben also discovered the “AndroidFastboot” file in Lumia 950’s latest firmware.