Alcatel recently launched the Windows 10 Mobile flagship ‘Idol 4 Pro’ in the Europe. The phone has so far received positive feedback from the customers. The Idol 4 Pro is one of the best Windows Phone in terms of hardware and even Microsoft is likely to support the device until the end of 2018. Apparently, it will continue to receive software and firmware updates.
If you recently bought a new Alcatel Idol 4 Pro, we would suggest you to not play with the software by installing Insiders preview builds. Why? Because Alcatel hasn’t provided the recovery images of the Idol 4 Pro to Microsoft. Without the recovery images, you cannot go back to the production version of Windows 10 Mobile.
The Windows Device Recovery Tool is unable to detect the Alcatel Idol 4 Pro as the recovery image hasn’t been uploaded yet. Despite it’s been a while since Alcatel announced the Idol 4 Pro for Europe, the recovery images are still not available. Even Microsoft is not supporting the Alcatel Idol 4 Pro in its Windows Insider program because the recovery image is missing.
While on other hand, the Alcatel Idol 4S is supported by Windows Device Recovery Tool. However, you cannot flash its recovery image into the Idol 4 Pro because this could mess the entire software.
Microsoft’s Brandon LeBlanc has confirmed that he will ask his team mates about this next week. Are you planning to a buy the new Alcatel Idol 4 Pro? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.