Facebook-owned WhatsApp is experiencing yet another outage in India and some other countries, blocking users from opening the application on Windows Phone, Android and iPhone. On Reddit, Twitter and Facebook users report that their devices are stuck with an error message ‘This version of WhatsApp has become obsolete, please go to the Play Store to download the latest version’, despite the app is up-to-date.
While on Windows Phone, WhatsApp is stuck with ‘loading’ message when opening the Mobile messaging service. It’s worth noting that the outage has nothing to do with your smartphone variant or WhatsApp version, this rather appears to be a backend server issue.
WhatsApp is yet to acknowledge the bug and we’ll update the article when a statement from the company is available.
The tweets on Twitter confirms there’s indeed a problem in several regions, we’re seeing most of the reports from India, while Europe and the United States not affected at the time of writing this story.
The company is also testing a feature in WhatsApp that will let you share your Instagram stories on WhatsApp, just like how you can share the Instagram stories as Facebook stories. WhatsApp Windows Phone app has been recently updated with Instagram stories feature but is available only to select users.
WhatsApp was experiencing an outage on New Year day and last year was full of similar outages for Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. Is WhatsApp down for you too? Let us know in the comments below.