Microsoft has ignored Windows 10 Mobile once again. Yesterday, Windows 10 Mobile received a new preview build and it had a new feature. Microsoft also rolled out an update to Windows 10 PCs with some new features. One of the interesting feature introduced with the build is the ability to link an Android phone to Windows 10.
Microsoft decided to test the new feature on Android over Windows 10 Mobile. “Linking” is an interesting feature and it could have been a great treat for Windows Phone fans. We know Microsoft prefers Android over Windows 10 Mobile because of the large user base and they also make good money.
Microsoft announced the linking feature at Build 2017 event. The feature deeply integrates Android to PC in the web environment. It basically lets you continue the work on your PC from where you left off on the Android phone.
Microsoft has published an app ‘Microsoft Apps’ for Android that enables the linking feature between Android and Windows 10. At the moment, it only works on the web browsers. For example, if you are browsing a website on Chrome for Android, the linking feature will let you continue the session on your PC.
Microsoft has announced that iPhones will soon get the linking feature. However, Microsoft hasn’t mentioned its plan of bringing ‘linking‘ feature to Windows 10 Mobile. They’ve made clear that Windows 10 Mobile isn’t a priority for them. Would you like to see the linking feature on Windows 10 Mobile? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.