WhatsApp hasn’t had the best of start to the New Year. According to various reports, WhatsApp was experiencing issues in several regions, including European countries and India on January 22, 2019.
For some unknown reasons, it seems there was a network connectivity problem and the messaging service wasn’t able to cope up with the load. At the time of filing this story, WhatsApp is back online and users are able to connect to the messaging app.
WhatsApp is working as expected on Windows Phones, Android and iOS devices. According to WABetaInfo Twitter handle, Facebook servers experienced unexpected which resulted in the outage of WhatsApp and even Instagram for some users.
According to reports from users on Twitter, WhatsApp stopped responding for a little while in many in Europe and India, but it was working normally in other regions. When the users opened WhatsApp, you received an error as the app failed to connect to the servers.
At the time of filing this story, WhatsApp is back online and users can send or receive messages again.
Recent WhatsApp changes
Recently, WhatsApp updated its platform to implement the strict measures to keep the distribution of fake news under control. WhatsApp has rolled out new features that will reduce the amount of fake news being distributed on a large scale.
For example, the social media giant is implementing a new feature where the app limits the number of forwards to five at a time.
WhatsApp is also working on several other features, including the ability to scan QR codes. This feature will allow users to share WhatsApp number with a new contact from their mobile devices.
WhatsApp keeps testing array of features but not every feature will make its way to Windows Phones. The company remains committed to its Windows Phone app and new updates are released almost every month to keep the app running.