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Microsoft has today updated their Xbox app on Windows 10 and Windows 10 mobile with fluent design. It now has the Acrylic Material component in the hamburger menu which provides acrylic blur behind the hamburger menu text. This new change is looking beautiful and is really making the app’s overall UI cool. There is no other change apart from the fluent design change. Microsoft is slowly bringing their fluent design to Windows 10 everywhere.

Microsoft had introduced their brand new design language for their Windows ecosystem at Build 2017. Microsoft’s Fluent Design system consisted of 5 basic elements around which whole design works they are Depth, Motion, Scale, Material, and Light.

Fluent Design can be seen in the First Party Microsoft apps and many other popular apps like myTybe etc in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update builds. Microsoft has even announced that they will be bringing their Fluent Design to the web also. They had today rolled out an update to their Web Framework along with all the Fluent Design components except the Scale component which will be arriving later.

How are our readers feeling about the Fluent Design on Xbox app? Let us know in the comments below.

About The Author

Rakesh Singh

Rakesh Singh is a technology journalist at Windows Latest with six years of experience. He writes about Microsoft, Windows, and computing. With a bachelor's degree in technology, he tests Windows 11 builds, watches for Windows Update issues, and writes clear articles.