Microsoft earlier last month had launched its new Surface Laptop and Surface Pro devices. The devices were launched at two different events and the company recently started shipping the devices to interested buyers.
However these devices are not considered easy to be repaired according to our friends at iFixit which gives rating by dismantling the devices to discover how tough or easy it is to fix the devices.
The Surface Laptop has been designed by using metal, cloth and glass to bring a unique experience to the device. The team at iFixit however says that the device is near impossible to repair.
The iFixit team has given a rating of Zero out of 10 for the Surface Laptop since the team had to remove the Signature Alcantara material covered keyboard to actually get access to the internals of the device. The main components like the CPU and RAM are actually soldered to the motherboards which are not easy to repair or replace.
The Surface Pro on the other hand requires the team to remove the screen to have an internal access to the components. However it is not an easy task to remove the screen for accessing since there is a lot of adhesive involved which keeps things in place. The majority parts of the Surface Pro are custom built making it difficult to actually repair.
The iFixit team has given the Surface Pro a rating of 1 out of 10 which is not much but a bit better compared to Surface Laptop.