Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update on unsupported phones is possible and Microsoft has officially confirmed it. A few days ago, the company has pushed Creators Update to Windows Phone but only selected phone are eligible for update. Microsoft has ditched many Windows Phones from receiving the update. Old flagship phones like Lumia 930, Lumia 830 are out of the list.
It is still possible to install Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update on supported phones without tweaking the registry edits. All you need to do is become a Windows Insider and enroll into the Release Preview Ring. Microsoft has officially detailed the guide to download Windows 10 Creators Update on any Windows Phone.
How to download Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update on unsupported phones
- If your phone is running on Windows 10 Mobile TH1 or Anniversary Update
- Go to Settings > Update & security > Windows Insider Program
- Join the Windows Insider program
- Select Fast Ring or Slow Ring
- Go to Settings > Update & security > and check for updates.
- You will receive Creators Update within 48 hours.
Now after updating to Creators Update, your phone will show build version 15063.251. You are now required to switch to Release Preview Ring from Fast Ring or Slow Ring in order to receive cumulative updates.
However, it is a temporary official solution. Microsoft may release an update and it will block the update path. If you would like to enjoy Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update, it would be a better idea to switch to a supported Windows Phone.