Qualcomm’s new SnapDragon 820 processor which will be available on upcoming Windows 10 Mobile flagships HP Elite X3 and the Alcatel Idol Pro 4. They are yet to be launched. Microsoft’s Windows Phone OEM site now has listed support for the next big thing Qualcomm MSM8998 which is still unannounced and reported to be Snapdragon 830.


This chipset (which also includes LTE support) will support up to 8 GB of RAM and would be built on Samsung’s new 10 nm process which increases performance and decreases power draw. Well 8 GB of RAM would definitely help to achieve Windows 10 Mobile’s Standalone feature Continuum to perform more efficiently and also be able to run x86 apps in future.

About The Author

Rakesh Singh

A Windows Phone and Windows 10 fan - I Love doing anything related to Windows 10