Earlier this year we had reported that Google is testing support for native Windows 10 notifications for its Chrome browser. There was no confirmed ETA given as to when the company plans to roll out the feature to its Chrome browser.
Today we report that Google has now started to roll out the feature to its Chrome users with version 68 installed on the PCs. The news was confirmed by Google employee Peter Beverloo via his official Twitter account.
The feature is currently available for more than 50% of Chrome users running Chrome 68 and should be available for all users soon. If you don’t want to wait then you can manually get the feature by accessing ‘chrome://flags’ and enable native notifications.
With the integration of Chrome notifications in Action Center, Chrome becomes the first browser apart from Microsoft Edge to get support for native notifications in Windows 10. The Chrome notifications will not make any changes to the already existing Windows 10 Quiet Hours and any other system settings in the Action Center.
Native Notifications support for Google Chrome was expected to be launched with the arrival of Anniversary update for Windows 10 users but Google took time to roll out the feature to its Chrome browser on Windows 10 since it was found to be not suitable for public roll out due to issues found during internal testing.
The notifications feature is currently rolling out only for Windows 10 users and we have no confirmation if Google plans to roll out the feature to Windows 8.1 users also. For Windows 7 users the native notifications feature will not be made available since Microsoft has already ended support for the operating system.
If any of our users are using Google Chrome version 68 on their Windows 10 PCs then make sure to check out the notification feature if already available. Do let us know the first impressions in the comments below.