We had earlier revealed that Microsoft along with Apple is the most trusted companies as far as the data privacy is concerned. Today we let you know that the Redmond Giant is placed second only behind Apple as the Most Valuable US company.
The Redmond Giant has displaced its rivals Amazon and Google to take the second spot as the Most Valuable US company behind Apple. Microsoft’s current market value has been reported to be $728 billion which surpasses Amazon’s $709 billion.
Apple is currently holding the first position with the company’s market value at $890 billion but Microsoft doesn’t seem to be too far behind Apple. The market value increase of Microsoft’s share is due to the customer’s belief in the company in regards to the data privacy fiasco recently.
The Redmond Giant over the last 30 years has been able to garner lot of goodwill and trust with regards to the collection and storage of sensitive data via its operating system Windows, Office and its growing Cloud presence.
The goodwill earned over the past three decades has made Microsoft to be able to get the second position behind Apple along with a bit of help from Amazon and Google which have been engaged in legal battles off late which have not been good for the integrity of the companies and effected them loosing customer’s faith and market value.
Microsoft’s recent involvement in legal battle with the US government to protect the sensitive data of its user’s from being leaked has also helped the company in being able to garner more confidence from its customers which has directly effected the company’s market value to increase.
We expect Microsoft to retain the second position in the near future and also feel that the company is in a good position to take over the numero uno position from Apple sooner than later.