While Microsoft has given up on Windows phone platform, the company is still going to support the flagship handsets with all necessary updates until late 2019. Alcatel had launched the IDOL 4 Pro with Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update in Europe and due to some unknown reasons, the phone never received the Creators and Fall Creators Update.
Microsoft has today began rolling out the Windows 10 Mobile Fall Creators Update to Alcatel IDOL 4 Pro in Europe. The Alcatel IDOL 4 Pro Europe edition will be upgraded to the latest version of Windows 10 Mobile operating system over-the-air without any action required.
Alcatel is one of the companies that embraced Microsoft’s Windows 10 Mobile operating system and launched a Windows Phone with VR headset. The Alcatel IDOL 4 Pro is one of the most beautiful Windows phone to date, the device is made of glass on both the front and the back. It seems sleek and super attractive, and worth the money if you are a Windows Phone fan.
The Lumia 950 XL has a plasticky feeling, while on the other hand, the IDOL 4 Pro offers a premium feel for the same price. The phone has a brilliant display, thanks to the AMOLED technology. The 5.5-inch panel with 1920×1080 resolution certainly pays off, it has vivid colours and balanced contrast, offering average sunlight readability. The display is good and the touch is very responsive.
Alcatel IDOL 4 Pro is powered by Snapdragon 820 processor and features 4 GB RAM. There’s a noticeable performance improvement after upgrading the handset to the latest Windows 10 Mobile Fall Creators Update. Speaking of the hardware, the IDOL 4 Pro has a dedicated camera, and the camera position is undoubtedly super frustrating at first.
Windows 10 Mobile operating system is currently in maintenance mode and new updates with security patches will be shipped until late 2019. Microsoft is not planning software updates for any mobile device beyond 2019.