Google has announced yet another new security feature coming to Chrome browser in the future versions. Not so long ago, Google announced a new version of Google Chrome with a security feature where the browser will automatically block unwanted redirects that are triggered when loading certain websites.
Google is making changes to Chrome for Windows which will make it much more stable and the browser will crash less often. Any software such as antivirus on PC that interacts with Chrome makes the browser 15 percent more likely to crash, the company explains in a blog post.
“In the past, this software needed to inject code in Chrome in order to function properly,” Google’s Chris Hamilton explained in a blog post. “With Chrome extensions and Native Messaging, there are now modern alternatives to running code inside of Chrome processes,” Hamilton added.
The Chrome 66 will display a warning after the browser crash, the error message will explain why the browser crashed and how to fix it. With Chrome 68, Google will block the third-party software from injecting into Chrome processes. “While most software that injects code into Chrome will be affected by these changes, there are some exceptions,” Hamilton explained.
Google Chrome is currently the most-used web browser on Windows PCs, with a market share of 60 percent. Microsoft Edge browser is somewhere around 5 percent market share right now, and it’s highly unlikely to see it overtaking Google Chrome anytime soon.