While Intel is king of processors used on the desktop, laptops, notebooks and even tablets, when we talk about mobile chips, Intel hasn’t launched any ARM chip and thus it is far behind Qualcomm in the mobile business. However, things will finally change, as early as next year.
Intel’s first ARM chip is expected to arrive later this year, in addition to its new modems. If everything goes as per the plan, Intel will finally take off in the mobile chips business by next year. The UK chip designer has shared a lot of details about its partnership with Intel at the ARM Tech Con 2017 event.
The next generation Cortex A series which will have 10nm nodes and it is expected by end of this year. On the other hand, Intel promises to deliver 30% better performance with its 22nmm node, in comparison to the 28nm node.
The king of nodes, Intel will release a new chip with 10nm node which will run at a 3.5GHz frequency, directly competing with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors. On the other hand, Microsoft is working with Qualcomm to launch Windows 10 on ARM as Intel isn’t able to deliver performance and battery life at the same time.
A few years ago, Intel cancelled the development of Atom chips, codenamed “Sofia” and “Broxton,” which was the only processor that could have powered the Microsoft’s ultimate mobile device at that time. However, things have now changed as Windows 10 could run smoothly on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 835 processor.