Microsoft had earlier confirmed that various OEMs like Acer, Dell and Lenovo will be launching their Mixed Reality Headset in the month of October. The company also revealed the pricing of the Headsets by the three OEMs with Acer headset to be priced at $299, Dell and Lenovo pricing is expected to be same at $349.
Today we are getting news that Samsung is also currently working on bringing its Windows Mixed Reality Headset in the market very soon. The Company’s headset will feature an integrated headset which will offer seamless audio experience.
The Headset by Samsung is expected to support Windows Mixed Reality Controllers. Currently there are no news about the pricing and launch date of the Headset by Samsung nor we have any info about what the company plans to name the Headset either.
The company was the first to introduce Oculus with Gear VR in the Virtual Reality market and is now working on releasing a Windows Mixed Reality Headset with built in Headset.
We will however be updating this article once we have any info on the Samsung’s Windows Mixed Reality Headset.