Google is trying to make the internet a better place and to do this, the tech giant has to remove all the annoying ads. As the company’s Chrome browser is very popular on all platforms, Google is soon going to block the auto-playing videos in Chrome.
Reading a news site andĀ getting blasted by a video that starts playing automatically is undoubtedly very annoying. Those video ads play on their own without seeking permission from the users, Google will block the sites to autoplay videos. Starting in Chrome 64, Google will start blockingĀ the auto-playing videos, however, the update is scheduled to release in January 2018.
If the user is interested in the media content or the video is muted on the web page, Chrome will allow the auto-play. Furthermore, if the user has “tapped or clicked somewhere on the site during the browsing session” the browser won’t block auto-playing videos. This change is coming to Windows and Android with Chrome 64. Google is also working on ad filter that is also set to arrive next year.
“Chrome will be making auto-play more consistent with user expectations and will give users more control over audio. These changes will also unify desktop and mobile web behavior, making web media development more predictable across platforms and browsers,” writes Google.