It’s now been two weeks since Microsoft released updates for Windows 10 PCs on the Fast Ring. While the company did release an update for Windows 10 Mobile last week with some improvements. However, the Windows Store still has the annoying bug on Windows 10 Mobile and it is expected to be fixed soon.
Microsoft yesterday confirmed that the company has planned to not release any new builds for Windows 10 Mobile and PCs this week. Due to the rollback bug, Microsoft is holding back the builds for PCs. While on other hand, Microsoft made it clear that they prefer to release updates for PCs and Mobiles together.
The Redmond giant is still working to fix the bug on Windows 10 PCs but as it is consuming time, Microsoft has revealed that Windows Insiders should not expect a build till Tuesday and the reason is the rollback bug.
Windows Insiders will hopefully get a new build next week. Dona Sarkar and her team are also looking to find out a way that will notify the individual Insiders when their reported bugs have been fixed.