Microsoft unveiled the dual-screen optimized version of Windows 10X in October 2019 and it’s reportedly coming to single-screen devices in the first half of 2021. Microsoft has now accidentally published a Chromium Microsoft Edge download page where “Windows 10X” and “HoloLens” are listed as the supported versions.
At the time of writing this story, Microsoft Edge download page that lists Windows 10X and HoloLens under “other platforms” section is still accessible.
Based on the cached version of the website available on Google, we can tell that Microsoft updated its website to include ‘Windows 10X’ and ‘HoloLens’ under the list of supported hardware earlier today.
One major takeaway from the document is that Microsoft is already developing the Chromium Edge for “Windows.Core, HoloLens, and Xbox One family”.
Last year, reports suggested that Microsoft will optimize Chromium Edge for Windows 10X for a more flexible software experience and it won’t come with the UWP Edge.
According to reports, Microsoft will be pushing its upcoming Windows 10X as a competitor for Chrome OS. Microsoft is also planning to enable support for Win32 apps using “Cloud PC”, but this operating system is likely to be all about UWP and PWAs.
Windows 10X will run Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and web apps only. Apps like Spotify, Uber, etc will be supported as long as they can run inside a Microsoft Edge container or UWP.
In 2022, when Microsoft plans to expand Windows 10X to include dual-screen for factors, Microsoft may revive the Win32 apps virtualization model.
Sources have also suggested that Windows 10X will compete with Chromebooks, which are popular in classrooms.
Businesses interested in low-cost Windows 10X PCs will be able to run their Win32 programs offered via Cloud PC or similar technology. The Cloud PC and support to stream desktop apps will help fulfil the needs of businesses, as well as address compatibility concerns.