Earlier this year, Microsoft unveiled the affordable Surface Go tablet with Intel’s processors. Before the launch, there were whispers stating that Microsoft might have wanted to use an ARM chip in the Surface Go. But according to a new report, Intel’s offer was good enough to convince the software giant to use its Pentium Gold processor instead.
The report states that Intel’s offered convinced Microsoft to use its Pentium Gold processors instead of the ARM chips in the Surface Go. Microsoft might have also accepted the ARM processor but it appears that Intel’s offer was too good to refuse and the ARM processor with Windows 10 would have been slow for the Surface Go.
“…The Intel Pentium Gold processor is great for Surface Go and we worked closely with Intel to optimize Surface to deliver the best power and performance for our customers, and a consistent experience across the Surface family of devices…,” Microsoft said in a statement to TechRadar.
Windows 10 on ARM is slowly getting better
Qualcomm recently announced the launch of the Snapdragon 850 processor for Windows 10 devices. The ARM-based laptops with Snapdragon 850 are already available in the market and the benchmark of the processor has revealed close to 25 percent performance increase over the SD 835 for Windows 10.
Windows 10 on ARM is still a work in progress but it’s slowly getting better. The benchmark has revealed that the device powered by the Snapdragon processor is capable of providing better performance over.