Qualcomm in its event yesterday announced the Official availability of the Snapdragon 845 mobile chipset which would be powering the next generation smartphones. Alex Katouzian, Sr. Vice President and General Manager of Mobile, Qualcomm Technologies announced the Snapdragon 845 chip at its Technology Summit.
Samsung will be the first company to adopt the new chipset in its Galaxy S9 device which is set to be announced next year. The company has not revealed any more details about the chipset and is expected to reveal more details on December 6th, the second day of the Technology Summit.
The Snapdragon 845 chipset is also said to be making its way to the PC market due to the collaboration of Qualcomm with Microsoft and will be used in the Always Connected PCs. With the help of Windows 10 ARM, the new mobile chip can now be used in PCs allowing it to have a great battery life and permanent LTE connectivity.
We would however be keeping an eye on Qualcomm’s event and will be updating this article once we have more info on the Snapdragon 845 processor which is expected to be revealed on the second day of its event.