Mega Privacy Beta a Universal App for Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile has been in news couple of days ago. The Beta app has received a new update in the Microsoft Store for both Windows 10 Mobile and PC.
The update pushes the app to new version The update comes with some exciting new features apart from the usual bug fixes and improvements. In the latest update, the Mega Privacy team has introduced the option to find and share folders with your friends, family and colleagues.
You will also be able to find folders shared by your Mega contacts like family and friends after the latest update. Along with the Share folders you will also be able to send messages, files and share content with your contacts, the option added in the new update.
The update also comes with the usual set of bug fixes and performance improvements to the application for both Windows 10 Mobile and PC. The features are still under development and testing and will be made available to the official version of the Mega Privacy app after successful testing and feedback.
The app is currently available in the Microsoft Store and you can get the updated version to download from the below link.