Google today released a new update for its Chrome browser for Windows and all supported desktop operating systems. The Browser has been updated to new version 61.0.3163.79. The new update brings total of 22 security fixes for six different vulnerabilities which were rated as high.
The latest Chrome version also introduces a set of other features and improvements including options for video using native controls. The release notes by Google states that websites are automatically pushed out of full screen mode if a JavaScript dialog opens.
This new option blocks exploits and scams locking the browser and makes it impossible for users to close the application. The latest update also decode frames for videos which should help improve performance and avoid high CPU usage.
There is also now the availability of Device RAM API, meaning websites are now available to access system information which optimizes the performance of the web application. The update is already available for Google Chrome for Microsoft Windows and if you are already running Chrome then the built in auto updating engine should download the new version automatically.