Around one week ago, we had reported that Windows 10 Creators update is now on about 50% of the compatible PCs in just over 3 months. From this pace of adoption, it looks as if Windows 10 is slowly reaching towards the overall market share of Windows 7.
But the real story is that even though consumers are now feeling better with the stability of Windows 10 updates but the enterprise are still resistant to adopting their older PCs with the most secure OS from Microsoft. Spiceworks has conducted a survey of more than 500 IT Pros for knowing the Windows 10 penetration.
The report said that the adoption of Windows 10 in the enterprise is still slow but gradually increasing as well. But it is far below the leader in this segment behind Windows 7. Despite the increase in Windows 10 adoption rate overall market share of Windows is 68 percent of laptops and desktops while Windows 10 has around 13 percent of market share slightly more than Windows XP’s 11%.
After the ransomware attacks, older PCs of enterprise had experienced data loss and were expected to adopt their PCs to the latest Windows 10. But it looks the businesses are still not in any hurry to upgrade their devices. You can read the whole report from Spiceworks here.