Microsoft had last week introduced the Compact Overlay Mini mode for their Groove Music app in the Windows 10 insider rings. Today Microsoft has brought this Mini mode for Groove Music on the production ring of Windows Inside program. The compact Overlay is an app window like picture-in-picture that is shown above other windows so that it doesn’t get blocked.

So now Groove Music app of Windows 10 has the support of compact overlay for all Windows 10 users using any build after the Creators Update. Compact overlay will allow users to do multitask and change the music without having to go to app or taskbar. The new mini-music player will show the album art along with three music playback options. The size of the compact overlay windows can also be changed.

Microsoft’s Groove is one of the few apps from Microsoft that has more features on Windows 10 when compared to their iOS or Android counterparts. It’s good to see Microsoft bringing new features for their Groove music service and at the same time with the new fluent design, these apps now look beautiful as well. But like always Windows 10 mobile version of Groove is not getting any attention.

About The Author

Rakesh Singh

Rakesh Singh is a technology journalist at Windows Latest with six years of experience. He writes about Microsoft, Windows, and computing. With a bachelor's degree in technology, he tests Windows 11 builds, watches for Windows Update issues, and writes clear articles.