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Microsoft Windows Feedback Hub team had posted a video about their Feedback system and they have talked about how the team & the app was born and how they work on your feedback to improve Windows 10. Feedback team told about how their first version of feedback app on Windows 10 became a success when they started receiving feedbacks. Microsoft has described the process of how they organise the feedbacks, how they manage duplicate feedbacks using the azure intelligent cloud services and how they work on the different kind of feedbacks.

YouTube video

Microsoft also said that Feedback from the Fans allowed them to build Windows 10 features that are most requested and at the same time they were able to know the most popular bugs. Microsoft has recently announced the final Bug Bash for Fall Creators Update where they give a series of quests(tasks, rather) aimed at dedicated insiders to find out the bugs and discrepancies in Windows 10 insider builds from the Feedback hub. This allows Microsoft Feedback Team to push out the final builds to the general public which are free from annoying bugs.

Microsoft through this video had reiterated that they are listening the fans from the feedback hub.

About The Author

Rakesh Singh

A Windows Phone and Windows 10 fan - I Love doing anything related to Windows 10