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The launch event for the new Surface Pro was the very first time that surface launch event was held in China. Microsoft had also announced the release of the Surface Laptop and updated new Surface Pro (5th generation) in China and some new markets worldwide. Alain Crozier, the executive revealed to the WSJ asked during an an interview Microsoft Corp.’s chairman on why Microsoft is focusing more on the Chinese market.

The reason for this increased focus is because China is the second largest market for Surface Devices worldwide after US and Microsoft is expecting it become the single largest market soon. Crozier also told that Microsoft is a good growth in cloud business is in China and Microsoft had a presence in the market for more than 25 years and had never left china’s market unlike other tech giants. He also reported that Microsoft believes that the first thing is they have to be long-term focused whenever they enters this kind of market.

At that event Microsoft had announced that they would be releasing a special version of Windows 10 for the Chinese government and other state-owned businesses in China.Before that Microsoft had allowed Chinese government to test their Windows 10 code for security purposes so as to win approval for the wider implementation.

About The Author

Rakesh Singh

A Windows Phone and Windows 10 fan - I Love doing anything related to Windows 10