Microsoft’s latest version of Windows has always been in a controversy due to its issues with privacy. Since it’s launch, users have taken to various forums and even to the courts of law, claiming that Windows 10 has been collecting data from the user and violating their privacy.
While not all of the claims were false, some of the accusations were definitely a bit far fetched. If you don’t skip through the EULA, you can find that Microsoft has clearly mentioned their data collection methods. You can also turn off a bit of the data collections by tweaking a bit in the Settings app, but truth be told it was not an easy process. Users were left complaining about the lack of clarity in changing their privacy controls.
The Windows 10 Creators Update, which is already available on the PC now, allows the user to have a greater control on the privacy settings. As discussed before, the user can now choose the privacy settings for their PC before installing the update. This is a real commendable addition by Microsoft to counter the increasing privacy concern woos faced by the users.

Now, in a new post, Microsoft has outlined its data collection policy. The firm mentions about the amount of data they collect and what they do with it. The collected data will be used to ‘improve’ Windows 10 and ‘delivering a more personalized experience’. You’ll also get the option to limit the data sent to ‘Basic’ or ‘Full’, and Microsoft will accordingly receive data from your device.
With the Creators Update giving the users more control and power to set their privacy settings, Microsoft hopes that the backlash will reduce. The Insiders have already got to test the new privacy menu which pops up before the installation process and found it quite good. If however you are still skeptical about what data is being sent, the full list of the data being collected is given here.