Xbox One X
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Another patent by Microsoft has emerged online for Xbox One Controllers and the related systems. This patent application by Microsoft is designed to improve the sensitivity adjustment of a control stick on an Xbox One controller through various ways.

First spotted by us, the patent titled ‘CONTROL STICK SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT’ was filed by Microsoft in October 2017 and published by USPTO on May 2, 2019. In the patent filing, methods associated with adjusting the sensitivity of a control stick has been described.

In one example, Microsoft patent talks about a controller that has a dead zone inflection point which defines a boundary of a dead zone region and a playspace region. This is within a normalized two-dimensional movement space and the controller is receiving a sensitivity inflection point within the playspace region of the normalized two-dimensional movement space.

Xbox One controller patent
Image Courtesy: Microsoft / USPTO

“Transforming the sensitivity inflection point to a transformed sensitivity inflection point using a sensitivity scaling function that comprises the dead zone inflection point, receiving position data representing a current position of the control stick, and transforming the current position to a transformed position using a mapping function comprising the dead zone inflection point and the transformed sensitivity inflection point,” Microsoft explains.

In another example, Microsoft says the different return locations could make it difficult for the system to determine where the thumbstick is idle or not. To deal with his problem, a video game may define a dead zone within the coordinate space and in this case, any position of thumbstick is considered idle.

In another example, changing the location of dead zone inflection point may affect the topology of the sensitivity regions outside the dead zone region and responsiveness of the controller is also affected.

“To address this issue, and to preserve the proportionality and relative topology of the sensitivity region(s) of a mapping function when the dead zone region is changed, the sensitivity inflection points of the mapping function may be transformed using a sensitivity scaling function that comprises the dead zone inflection point,” the company explains in the patent filing.

About The Author

Mayank Parmar

Mayank Parmar is an entrepreneur who founded Windows Latest. He is the Editor-in-Chief and has written on various topics in his seven years of career, but he is mostly known for his well-researched work on Microsoft's Windows. His articles and research works have been referred to by CNN, Business Insiders, Forbes, Fortune, CBS Interactive, Microsoft and many others over the years.