Microsoft has announced that the company will finally address an annoying bug in Windows 10’s default web browser. Microsoft posted a blog to confirm that the Edge browser has a “Scroll Jank’ bug and the fix is coming soon with the next Windows 10 update, while it will be fixed in the upcoming Windows 10 preview build.
Scroll jank is a bug where the frames take too long for a browser to respond when there is scrolling or animations on the screen. Microsoft Edge will soon offer a jank free scrolling experience with the next Windows 10 update, codenamed Redstone 4.
Back in 2016, Microsoft in a support page admitted that Edge has a bug where “it does not fire wheel events when scrolling using the 2-finger scroll gesture on a Precision Touchpad”.
The company has now revealed that Microsoft Edge 17 will support Precision Touch Pad (PTP) Pointer Events this will fire Pointer Events with a pointerType of ‘touch’ in response to PTP gestures.
“Microsoft Edge also utilizes PTPs to enable back/forward swipe and to enhance users’ scrolling experience via off-thread (aka independent) scrolling. Since PTP input is processed differently by the input stack in Windows 10, we wanted to ensure that we took advantage of this and that we gave users a scrolling experience that felt as natural as their experience with touchscreens everywhere on the web. However, the web has traditionally had a bit of a design flaw when it comes to scrolling, in the form of scroll jank — that ‘glitchy’ feeling that the page is stuck, and not keeping up with your finger while you’re scrolling,” Microsoft Program Manager, Scott Low explains the bug in a blog post.
Microsoft will address the Edge browser’s Scroll Jank bug with the next Windows 10 release, codenamed Redstone 4. You will be able to try out PTP Pointer Events in Microsoft Edge starting with next Windows Insider release, on any site, Bing Maps, for example.