Surface Pro
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Direct Download links for KB4041691 is now available for Anniversary Update devices. If you will install the KB4041691 offline installer, you can upgrade your Windows 10 device to Build 14393.1770. Windows 10 users with Anniversary Update can only download the cumulative update. On the other hand, if your PC runs Creators Update, you can learn more about the latest Creators Update from here.

As we noted above, Windows 10 14393.1770 is a cumulative update with only performance improvements and bug fixes that also improves the overall user experience. If you would like to test new features, you should upgrade your Windows 10 PC to Creators Update or the upcoming Fall Creators Update.

KB4041691 Download Links for Windows 10

Windows 10 KB4041691 Direct Download Links: 64-bit (x64), 32-bit (x86).

KB4041691 Windows 10 14393.1770 Full Changelog

Just like any cumulative update, you will find only bug fixes. No bugs are focused on to improve the general user experience. Microsoft has released a fix to SD propagation where it wouldn’t work when Security Descriptor propagation has been manually triggered. Another issue where the Universal CRT caused the linker (link.exe) to stop working on large projects.

Internet Explorer has also received some improvements, an issue with rendering a graphics element in the web browser has been fixed and the company has also fixed an issue where a vendor API deleted data unexpectedly. If you have had a problem while submitting the form in Internet Explorer, it has been fixed.

Microsoft has also released security updates to Microsoft Windows Search Component, Windows kernel, Windows TPM, Windows Authentication, Windows Storage and Filesystems, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer.

About The Author

Mayank Parmar

Mayank Parmar is an entrepreneur who founded Windows Latest. He is the Editor-in-Chief and has written on various topics in his seven years of career, but he is mostly known for his well-researched work on Microsoft's Windows. His articles and research works have been referred to by CNN, Business Insiders, Forbes, Fortune, CBS Interactive, Microsoft and many others over the years.