Looks like Microsoft’s Windows 10 is growing very slowly now. Last month Windows 10 market share had grown by 1%. The new report by NetMarkeShare revealed that Windows 10 share has increased to 27.99% from 27.63%. Good news is that Windows 10 market share is still increasing but very slowly.
Windows 8.1 market share dropped to 6.07% from the 6.48%, Windows XP’s share also decreased slightly. On the other hand, Windows 7’s market share dropped slightly to 48.43%.
Although Windows 7’s market share is dropping, Windows 10 is still far behind to over take the former. Windows 10’s market share is likely to see a big jump as recently Gartner revealed that 85% of enterprises will be upgrading to the new OS by end of this year.
Microsoft is going to end Windows 7’s mainstream support 2020, more organisations are likely to upgrade to Windows 10 in the coming months. Apparently, Windows 10 will soon replace Windows 7. “Organizations recognize the need to move to Windows 10, and the total time to both evaluate and deploy Windows 10 has shortened from 23 months to 21 months between surveys that Gartner did during 2015 and 2016,” Gartner said.
As Windows 10 Fall Creators Update release is also on cards, Microsoft will be able to convince more users and urge them to upgrade to Windows 10 as the OS much better now.