When Microsoft launched Windows 10, the company had also introduced Edge browser. Microsoft is updating Edge browser with every update for Windows 10. However, despite all the efforts made by Microsoft, the browser is still not popular among Windows 10 users.
Microsoft Edge is fast, secure and consumes less memory when compared to Google Chrome. Still, the users aren’t giving Microsoft Edge another try. The new data published by NetMarketShare has revealed that Chrome is losing its users to Safari and other browsers.
Google Chrome market share dropped to 59.38% from 59.57%. On the other hand, Microsoft Edge’s market share has increased to 5.66% from 5.65%, a jump of just 0.01%. Internet Explorer market share has decreased by 0.92%, it is now 15.58% from 16.50%.
Indeed, Microsoft Edge is slowly gaining more users but it is still far away from Google Chrome. Microsoft is also planning to release the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update to the general public on October 17 and it will bring some improvements to the Edge browser. As Microsoft is constantly adding new features to the Edge browser, the users will soon start making transition to the browser.