Microsoft is now updating Skype on the Windows Store for Windows 10 Mobile and PCs. The latest update is being rolled out the Windows Insiders on the Release Preview Ring. Microsoft hasn’t added any new features to Skype with the latest update but they have improved the app with some important bug fixes.
Skype has been updated to version 12.4.704.0 and it brings the much-needed performance improvements. If you had been experiencing problems while sending messages, the update has fixed the bug.
Another critical issue where the Skype would crash has been fixed with the latest update. Your friends will now receive the messages instantly, earlier there had been an unexpected delay of some hours. Furthermore, Skype performance has improved significantly and it wouldn’t crash while sending or receiving the messages.
The latest update for Skype is available for Windows 10 Mobile and PC devices on the Release Preview. At the moment, the update is still rolling out to Skype and in the coming hours, everyone will be able to download the update.