Ookla had already released a Windows 10 Speed Test app for PCs on windows store. It was a Universal Windows platform app but was not available on Windows 10 mobile. Today the company has updated their app and is now also available on Windows 10 mobile store as well. The app is a connection speed app that allows you to accurately test your Internet speed.
- It can also get you your ping, download and upload speed within a second.
- The app also provides you real time graphs to show the consistency of your internet connection.
- You troubleshoot or verify the speed of your Internet connection that was promised to you by your Internet Service Provider.
- Track prior tests with detailed reporting
- You can also share your results on social media or anywhere else.
- You can easily compare your various old results.
You can get the app from the store from the given link
Even though there are many other apps available on the store for checking your Internet connection speed but availability of the popular service of Ookla on the Windows 10 Store for all versions of windows 10 is very good thing for the future of Windows.