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WhatsApp has been trying to catch up with Snapchat in the recent days by introducing the Status feature. Essentially, it shows up your status, which can be a picture or text and remains for 24 hours on your friends phone.

The feature was already available in the last WhatsApp update and a server side update was required to enable it. It looks like WhatsApp has finally rolled out the feature for the users in India. It is also to be noted, that the feature has been made available to all Android, iOS and Windows Phone users at the same time.

Facebook, the parent company of WhatsApp has been trying hard to increase its user base by incorporating the ‘Stories’ feature to Instagram and ‘Status’ for WhatsApp. Windows users should be happy as Facebook has made the features available on their platform at the same time with iOS and Android too. Snapchat, on the other hand has always made fun of Windows with their CEO badmouthing Microsoft’s OS now and then. With rival features such as these made available by Facebook, it’s only a matter of time before Snapchat getting worried about its already dwindling user base.

Download WhatsApp from the Windows Store here.

About The Author

Pallav Chakraborty

Pallav is a dedicated journalist and writer at Windows Latest, where he crafts thought-provoking articles that provide readers with deep insights into Microsoft and Windows. Pallav's investigative journalism has been referred by reputed publications like TechRadar over the years.